This is the first in a series of posts where I will explore the interaction between human creativity and artificially intelligent algorithms. For this post I explored the use of GPT-3, a deep learning model that is capable of producing human-like text. I produced the prompt (in bold), and provided a human touch through editing, but overall the content in this article is artifically generated.

In the past few years, we have seen the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence into our daily lives. This has been driven by the development of powerful algorithms, but also by the availability of large datasets to train those algorithms. I believe throughout the next decade this technology will both revolutionize and threaten modern society. Already we are working in symbiosis with intelligent algorithms - from simple autocorrect to complex interactions with voice assistants. As this technology matures, our role will be continuously revised and redefined, in some cases disappearing entirely.

The question is not whether we will accept this change, but rather how we will react to it. I want to believe that the technology we create will be used for the benefit of humanity, but history tells a different story. We are a species that is more than willing to use our tools to cause harm to others. I want to believe that we will be able to control the technology we create, but history tells a different story. We are a species that is more than willing to use our tools to exert our will on others. The question is not whether we will accept this change, but rather how we will react to it. If we react by giving up, we will be left behind. If we react by working together, we will be able to shape the future.

Looking at the work above, it’s incredible to see think that this response was AI generated. With a rich enough initial prompt it is possible to generate large amounts of content, which can then be selectively edited into a cohesive narrative. It could become a powerful tool for generating novel concepts, combining concepts that are linguistically sensible, but perhaps different from typical human thought. This technology will only continue to improve and infiltrate more of our lives, let’s hope that the AI is right and we do work together to shape the future positively for humankind.